I don't thing there is any way to remove the header by using a Splunk command that would remove it from the csv file generated by the outputcsv command. Your best bet would be to run a clean up script that removes the header info after the file is generated.
I don't thing there is any way to remove the header by using a Splunk command that would remove it from the csv file generated by the outputcsv command. Your best bet would be to run a clean up script that removes the header info after the file is generated.
Can we get this feature added as an option to the outputcsv command? I have some tools that use CSV files for configs and it would be nice if Splunk could keep them dynamically updated.
2 options :
Save a NOT search as macro to catch the lines and prefix this in your main search
Get rid of them before indexing ( best option)
Check this , and scroll for the sedcmd
The regex should be pretty easy,,just the first range of characters, let me know if you succeed, otherwise paste a sample and the header...