Temporarily I dont have access to search head.
I had set the inputs.conf to forward windows eventlogs to Splunk indexer.
How do i confirm that my logs are forwarded to Splunk indexer from Universal forwarder?
I tested this :
> splunk list forward-server
Splunk username: admin
Active forwards:
Configured but inactive forwards:
SO , from this can i confirm logs are forwarded successfully ?
How is it that checks by splunkd.log?
05-14-2014 16:09:29.463 +0900 INFO TcpOutputProc - Connected to idx=10.XXX.XXX.XXX:9997
This tells you that your forwarder is connect to an indexer, but not if anything was sent.... check out this blog post about last christmas http://blogs.splunk.com/2011/01/02/did-i-miss-christmas-2/
05-16-2014 05:46:44.140 +0000 INFO TcpOutputProc - Connected to idx=10.xxx.xxx.xxx:9997
Yes , it shows the above