I have multiple forwarders sending data into splunk index and I want to find size of each host sending data into splunk by forwarder.
Is there any way to calculate this.
It is unclear but maybe you can get what you need from the Data Summary
Other than that you can run a search like this:
index=* OR index=_* | eval bytes=len(_raw) | stats sum(bytes) values(sourcetype) by host
It is unclear but maybe you can get what you need from the Data Summary
Other than that you can run a search like this:
index=* OR index=_* | eval bytes=len(_raw) | stats sum(bytes) values(sourcetype) by host
| stats sum(len) ? or sum(bytes)
Another typo. Fixed.
What's the purpose of "index=* AND index=_*" ?
My bad, it should be OR
, not AND
. I fixed it.
woodcock you query is what I was look for thanks for your help.