You would've to use the followTail option in the inputs.conf for that file monitoring. Please read the hashed lines.
followTail = [0|1]
* ###WARNING: Use of followTail should be considered an advanced administrative
* Treat this setting as an 'action':
* Enable this setting and start the Splunk software.
* Wait enough time for the input to identify the related files.
* Disable the setting and restart.
* ###DO NOT leave followTail enabled in an ongoing fashion.###
* Do not use followTail for rolling log files (log files that get renamed as
they age), or files whose names or paths vary.
* You can use this to force the input to skip past all current data for a
given stanza.
* In more detail: this is intended to mean that if you start the monitor
with a stanza configured this way, all data in the file at the time it is
first encountered will not be read. Only data that arrives after the first
encounter time will be read.
* This can be used to "skip over" data from old log files, or old portions of
log files, to get started on current data right away.
* If set to 1, monitoring starts at the end of the file (like tail -f).
* If set to 0, monitoring starts at the beginning of the file.
* Defaults to 0.