We are indexing a Logfile that has the following JSON format:
{"_check_command":"hostalive",_execution_time":4.0079541206359863281,**,"host":"myHostname",**"short_message":"PING OK","timestamp":1502959941.4374480247}
The Splunkforwarder is on the same server with the same "host" entry in the
host = myHostname
When i'm searching in Splunk after the events from the Logfile, i have the problem that every Events has 2 Host fields, that one that is extracted from the JSON and that from the Forwarder. The counter is also doubled)
My first opinion was i cut out the host field in the JSON but it's not my prefered one.
Any ideas?
I added following line to the props.conf:
SEDCMD = s/\"host\"/\"hostname\"/
I'd modify the source at index time to contain hostname
instead of host
so that there would be no conflict. That will happen so that any search time field extractions will keep the host names separate. It is hard to deal with the host having two values if it does automatic field extractions.
The other thing that you could do at search time it use a rex
to create a hostname
field, then eliminate the extra host
value that matches the hostname
in the event, something like this:
| makeresults
| eval host="orighost,myHostname"
| makemv host delim=","
| eval _raw="{\"_check_command\":\"hostalive\",_execution_time\":4.0079541206359863281,**,\"host\":\"myHostname\",**\"short_message\":\"PING OK\",\"timestamp\":1502959941.4374480247}"
| rex "\"host\":\"(?P<hostname>[^\"]*)\""
| mvexpand host
| where host!=hostname
The first four lines are just setting up the data, the last three are doing the work of setting the host
and hostname
I'd modify the source at index time to contain hostname
instead of host
so that there would be no conflict. That will happen so that any search time field extractions will keep the host names separate. It is hard to deal with the host having two values if it does automatic field extractions.
The other thing that you could do at search time it use a rex
to create a hostname
field, then eliminate the extra host
value that matches the hostname
in the event, something like this:
| makeresults
| eval host="orighost,myHostname"
| makemv host delim=","
| eval _raw="{\"_check_command\":\"hostalive\",_execution_time\":4.0079541206359863281,**,\"host\":\"myHostname\",**\"short_message\":\"PING OK\",\"timestamp\":1502959941.4374480247}"
| rex "\"host\":\"(?P<hostname>[^\"]*)\""
| mvexpand host
| where host!=hostname
The first four lines are just setting up the data, the last three are doing the work of setting the host
and hostname
ahh, thank you. I did not think of that. I will SED the host field to hostname, so i don't need do delete it!
If this works for you, please accept the answer so that future viewers will know that it is a valid answer to your question. 🙂 Thanks!