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Can I Export PDF Via Rest?

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Is it possible to download the report in PDF format via REST?

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Try this :

curl -u admin:{{password}} -k 'https://localhost:8089/services/pdfgen/render?input-dashboard={{your_dashboard}}&namespace={{your_namespace}}&paper-size=a4-landscape' >> test.pdf


This command works for dashboards that dont require any user input.

How can we use the above to command to export a dashboard that requires user inputs ?

I tried the above command to export the Splunk for PaloAlto Networks app's main dashboard and it worked. However, when I tried the same command with additional parameters for Cisco app's dashboard, it just generated an unreadable1kb pdf file.

Example below,
curl -u admin:{password} -k "https://localhost:8089/services/pdfgen/render?input-dashboard=CiscoNetworksOverview&namespace=cisco_..." >> C:\Users\admin\Downloads\test.pdf

Any workaround for this please?

0 Karma


When I try using this method, a .pdf file gets pulled back but isn't readable and won't open. Have you guys encountered this issue?

0 Karma

New Member

sometimes not able to open the pdf report, it's corrupted and it is from cluster environment. Any views on it?

0 Karma


You can write a python script to input data to a generic dashboard and create a pdf. Please see the following link.

It worked for me.

0 Karma


One thing I noted is that the line endings were causing an issue for Adobe to read the PDF. If anyone is having that issue, replacing any new line characters ("\n") with carriage returns ("\r") should fix the issue.

0 Karma
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