Dashboards & Visualizations

Simple XML Dashboard - Table Panel Formating Query



I am creating a dashboard (Simple XML) with a table panel as shown below:


This is actually a dashboard for Telephony System and number of columns (and names, of course) will be changed based on which agents are logged in at a time. For example,

  • at 9 AM: Queue, Agent 1, Agent 4, Agent 9
  • at 3 PM: Queue, Agent 1, Agent 4, Agent 5, Agent 11
  • at 1 AM: Queue, Agent 5, Agent 9, Agent 11

Now, in this table panel, I want to replace 1 with Green Tick and 0 with Red Cross in all the columns. 

Can you please suggest how this can be achieved? I have tried this using eval and replace but as columns are dynamic, I am unable to handle this.

Thank you.


Sample JSON Event:

AAAA_PMC_DT: 05-Dec-2023 13:04:34
Agent: Agent 1
Block: RTAgentsLoggedIn
Bound: in
Queue(s):: Queue 1, Queue 3, Queue 4, Queue 5, Queue 7, Queue 10


index="telephony_test" Bound=in Block=RTAgentsLoggedIn _index_earliest=-5m@m _index_latest=@s
      | spath "Agent" 
| spath "Queue(s):" 
| spath "On pause" 
| spath AAAA_PMC_DT
| fields "Agent" "Queue(s):" "On pause" AAAA_PMC_DT 
| rename "Queue(s):" as Queue, "On pause" as OnPause, AAAA_PMC_DT as LastDataFetch
| eval _time=strptime(LastDataFetch,"%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
| where _time>=relative_time(now(),"-300s@s")
| where NOT LIKE(Queue,"%Outbound%")
| sort 0 -_time Agent
| dedup Agent
| eval Queue=split(Queue,", ")
| table Agent Queue
| mvexpand Queue
| chart limit=0 count by Queue Agent


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1 Solution


You can try like this:

| makeresults
| eval Title="title",'First name'=1,'Second name'=0
| foreach "*"
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if ("<<MATCHSTR>>"=="Title","Title",if(<<FIELD>>=1,"Yes","No")) ]

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Regardless of actually rendering it in your dashboard, if you have dynamically created set of fields, you can use the foreach command.

Like this (a run-anywhere example

| makeresults
| eval Agent1=0,Agent2=1
| foreach "Agent*"
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if (<<FIELD>>==1,"✓","x")]

The downside of the foreach command is that it's tricky with spaces within field names.


thanks, @PickleRick - this almost worked. Only thing is Columns "Agent 1, Agent 2, Agent 3 ...." are actual Agent Names so below will not work. How can I use this foreach so it includes all columns except Column "Queue"?

| foreach "Agent*"

 Thank you.

Edit: I was able to handle spaces within the field names referring to below link:


0 Karma


Slight variation on @PickleRick example, your foreach statement only needs to be

| foreach "*"
    [ eval <<FIELD>>=case('<<FIELD>>'=0, "",
                          '<<FIELD>>'>0, "",
                          1==1, '<<FIELD>>')

 The above allows for count > 1 with the green tick, but if it will either be 0 or 1 then you can make it so

There is no need to test for the queue name, as long as it's never numeric


thanks @bowesmana - Unfortunately, I could not accept 2 answers but this helped. Thank you.

0 Karma


You can try like this:

| makeresults
| eval Title="title",'First name'=1,'Second name'=0
| foreach "*"
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if ("<<MATCHSTR>>"=="Title","Title",if(<<FIELD>>=1,"Yes","No")) ]
0 Karma


thanks @PickleRick 

0 Karma
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