I'm trying to get a piechart depicting teams to be drillable , opening up the respective team dashboard. I know that my LINK works because of the final conditional. But I can't seem to get any condition to match up the clicked value; everything seems to be acceptable syntax wise but gets ignored. I've searched several topics, and seen several versions but nothing seems to be working for me.
On Splunk Enterprise 7.3.2
<title>Team Moves for Month to Date</title>
<query>sourcetype=edc source="*dc_*" Direction="*" User!="User" | search CMTeam!="" | top limit=15 CMTeam</query>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.seriesColors">[0x0066FF,0xFFCC00,0xFF3300,0x009933,0x009999,0x9900CC,0x000000,0xCC0000,0x000099,0x00CC00,0x33ADFF,0xFF00FF]</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<condition match="'click.value2' == "ASAP"">
<link target="_blank">https:<fullpath>/app/search/epic_data_courier__cm___asap</link>
<condition match="'click.value' == "Beacon"">
<link target="_blank">https:<fullpath>/app/search/epic_data_courier__cm___beacon</link>
<condition field="OpTime">
<link target="_blank">https:<fullpath>/app/search/epic_data_courier__cm___optime</link>
<condition field="Anesthesia">
<link target="_blank">https:<fullpath>/app/search/epic_data_courier__cm___anethesia</link>
<link target="_blank">https:<fullpath>/app/search/epic_data_courier__cm___optime</link>
I've had some mixed success -- appropriate syntax is my confusion point at the moment. I found that I had to do the condition match as follows
<condition match="'click.value'="ASAP"">
Otherwise it would get ignored.
The CDATA link above I couldn't get to work -- it kept generating pages literally to a url ending in "link" rather than the value of link. Of course that just generated 404 OOPS responses. Again, we seem to have a syntax issue. I don't know why this is unique, but I have seen people use $ prefixes and replace them. I tried but so far, no go.
You're way would be less verbose than my original way seeing as how I could have as many as 80 teams in play eventually. 240 line conditionals for each team panel is a lot of source code. Currently we've only had a handful active teams, but with a hold blocking anything but emergency activity for the moment.
Is there some way to test my system to establish syntax format?
a url ending in "link"
Not $links$
To work eval statement, You need to click the appropriate cell.
is selected 1st left field, not clicked cell.
is selected clicked cell value.
try, <![CDATA[]]>
<label>pie chart drilldown</label>
| stats count by sourcetype
| eval count=log(count)</query>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.seriesColors">[0x0066FF,0xFFCC00,0xFF3300,0x009933,0x009999,0x9900CC,0x000000,0xCC0000,0x000099,0x00CC00,0x33ADFF,0xFF00FF]</option>
<eval token="clicks">upper($click.value$)</eval>
<link target="_blank">
<title>Team Moves for Month to Date</title>
<query>sourcetype=edc source="*dc_*" Direction="*" User!="User" CMTeam!=""| top limit=15 CMTeam</query>
<earliest>@mon</earliest> <latest>now</latest></search>
<option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
<option name="charting.seriesColors">[0x0066FF,0xFFCC00,0xFF3300,0x009933,0x009999,0x9900CC,0x000000,0xCC0000,0x000099,0x00CC00,0x33ADFF,0xFF00FF]</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
<eval token="links">if(in($click.value2$,"ASAP","Beacon","OpTime","Anesthesia"),lower($click.value2$),"optime")</eval>
<link target="_blank">