Dashboards & Visualizations

Is there a way to refresh a panel that has been populated by a savedsearch?


My panel shows refreshed at (time). It was refreshed at that time because of the scheduling I've applied to the panel's savedsearch. I've made updates to the search and now want the panel to reflect that, but refreshing the View doesn't work, and neither does removing the scheduling from the search (which I thought would force a refresh). I tried to find the job that populated the search, but it wasn't there (a whole different issue with job history...).

I could reschedule the search to some arbiltrarily short time interval, but I'd have to rechange it to mind resources. Plus the loading of the new search would have to wait until that interval instead of reloading freshly on command.

Just looking for a simpler way..


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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
<param name="useHistory">False</param>


useHistory = Auto | None | True | False

* useHistory defines the savedSearch module's saved search dispatch method. The default useHistory method is None, which means that savedSearch first tries to find a previously run job if one exists in the saved search's history. If it can't find a previously run job, savedSearch dispatches a new job based on the saved search and returns that job's sid. If useHistory is set to True, savedSearch looks only for previously run jobs dispatched by the saved search. If useHistory is set to False, savedSearch dispatches a new job based on the saved search and returns that job's sid, regardless of the presence of jobs within the saved search's history.
* defaults to: Auto

Keep in mind that keeping this value at False over time may lengthen the load time of your panel.

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee
<param name="useHistory">False</param>


useHistory = Auto | None | True | False

* useHistory defines the savedSearch module's saved search dispatch method. The default useHistory method is None, which means that savedSearch first tries to find a previously run job if one exists in the saved search's history. If it can't find a previously run job, savedSearch dispatches a new job based on the saved search and returns that job's sid. If useHistory is set to True, savedSearch looks only for previously run jobs dispatched by the saved search. If useHistory is set to False, savedSearch dispatches a new job based on the saved search and returns that job's sid, regardless of the presence of jobs within the saved search's history.
* defaults to: Auto

Keep in mind that keeping this value at False over time may lengthen the load time of your panel.

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