I have the following code for a bar chart that I need to show stacked the results from the 3 ifs that I have. The code retrieves data by week number and divides then by each day of the week.
Is it possible to group the data by week number showing each result for the day of the week stacked by the results of the 3 if's that I have?
index="" host= sourcetype=csv [search index="" host= sourcetype=csv source=C:\\2023-CW28_2.csv | dedup source | table source | sort - source | head 1 ]
| table iswID, iswTitle, iswSD, pverID, pverSF
| where iswSD >= strftime(relative_time(now(), "-3w@w"),"%Y-%m-%d")
| eval Week=strftime(strptime(iswSD,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%V")
| eval Day=strftime(strptime(iswSD,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%A")
| eval ISWGT=if(iswSD>pverSF,1,0)
| eval ISWLE=if(iswSD<=pverSF,1,0)
| eval non_mapped= if(match(pverID,""), 1,0)
| chart sum(ISWGT) as "iswSD gt pverSF", sum(ISWLE) as "iswSD LE pverSF", sum(non_mapped) as "Non Mapped" by Week,Day
The simple answer is no.
A bar chart has three things, an x-axis, a y-axis, and a set of series of data. For a stacked chart, each series is stacked according to its x-axis label and its y-axis value.
You appear to have four things, week, day, "if" name, and "if" sum.