Dashboards & Visualizations

How to Count if the condition is true?


Hi Team,

There are 2 fields added in my search. but it's searching for same value.

But i need a count of result where the search value present in field 1 and 2. 



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1 Solution

| stats count(eval(field1==field2)) as count

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Path Finder

depends what you want to do, as mentioned above if fields are equal (the whole field value is what you are searching for)

if not (i.e it is a particular word inside the field) here are some different examples depending what you want to do , the examples contain different functions that achieve more or less the same

assume you are looking for the word World in both fields:
using streamstats and if like:


| makeresults count=2
| streamstats c as c
| eval a=if(c==1,"Hello World","Hello Space"), b=if(c==1,"Ugly World","Pretty Space")
| fields - c
| streamstats sum(eval(if(like(a,"%World%"),if(like(b,"%World%"),1,0),0))) as streamstat
using just stats, here using match regex as a possible comparison tool:
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats c as c
| eval a=if(c==1,"Hello World","Hello Space"), b=if(c==1,"Ugly World","Pretty Space")
| fields - c
| stats count(eval(match(a.b,"(World).*(World)"))) as stats_count_word_exists

there are other options but this should get you started
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| stats count(eval(field1==field2)) as count
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