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Dashboard is blank in v 2.0.0 on Splunk Enterprise V7.3

New Member


I have installed the latest version v2.0.0 on Splunk v7.3. However all dashboards are blank.
Data is indexed and can be serach from /app/splunk_app_jenkins/search page.

Base on that, I fallback the app to v1.0.9 (ie. the previous available version).
Now all dashboards are display without issue.

I suspect there aresome issue when loading the web resource, because i can see 500 INTERNAL ERROR on some js file, such as commons~audit_trail~build_analysis~configuration~custom_panel~jenkins_health~jenkins_node~job_insigh~cbb93852.js

However, due to my limited knowledge on web, im not able to further troubleshoot to locate where the exact problem is.

Appreciate if anyone can help as would be nice to take the latest version.

Currently i run my Splunk on Win10 Enterprise 64bit build 17134, for testing.

0 Karma
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Could you try the latest version please? We found the issue with Windows OS cannot generate some file when file name is too long. This issue is fixed in the latest version. Sorry that we haven't run sufficient test on all OS and version combination.

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Figured it out - this seems to happen when you not use en-US/app/splunk_app_jenkins/health in the url- so the GB endpoint seems to be broken for reasons.
This might be a bug

Path Finder

Have the exact same issue - thanks for the workaround

0 Karma


It worked also for me, it was driving me crazy, tnx a lot

0 Karma

Path Finder

Seeing the same behavior as well, is there a plan to fix this? Seeing the issue in app version 2.0.2 on splunk, other pages work but job insights just returns a blank until i switch to en-us

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

If you open the browser dev tool and you can see an exception with some error message says "Unknown language: en-us", please change the locale in the url manually.

Change the url like from http://localhost:8000/zh-CN/app/splunk_app_jenkins/job to http://localhost:8000/en-US/app/splunk_app_jenkins/job

This is not a bug in app jenkins and it can not be fixed in app jenkins. it is related to how splunk handles the i18n.

If you upgrade splunk to 8.x, this bugs should be gone. App jenkins can work with zh-cn.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Could you try the latest version please? We found the issue with Windows OS cannot generate some file when file name is too long. This issue is fixed in the latest version. Sorry that we haven't run sufficient test on all OS and version combination.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

We are planning for a new version to fix the Windows issue reported in this thread. There's no concrete date for the update yet, so please stay tuned.

0 Karma


Hi @cyang - Will this version also adress this problem:


0 Karma

New Member

Cool, Thank you very much!
I just try it out and now the dashboard can be displayed now.

However i have 2 problem - not sure related to Windows or my config.

(1) Nav Menu doesnt seem consistent across different pages:
In Job page, TestAnalysis and Build page, i can only see BuildAnalysis, Job insight, Test Analysis, Custom Panel, Search in the Nav menu.

In Custom Panel and Search Page (and the rest of pages listed after), i can see Overview, AuditTrail, Jenkins Health, Jenkins Node, Custom Panel, Configuration, Alerts and Search.

(2) Job Insight doesnt seem working - it is just blank and data cannot be loaded.
The list of Host and Path looks weird to me (I cannot even find my jenkins master name there)
But if i go to Overview Page, the build is displayed against my jenkins master host. So i believe the data is there.

If needed, i can open a new thread and close this, as the original problem is basically fixed.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Cool! Its working 🙂
Thank you very much, for your quick support!

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Come back here @nickw_daiwa and click Accept to close the question and reward @cyang_splunk

0 Karma

New Member

Sure thanks. For rest of followup, i will post in new thread.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Thank you for reporting this issue to us! We just uploaded a 2.0.1 version. Please upgrade it and let us know if the issue is gone.

0 Karma


Coming back to this-
We are using splunk 7.0.11 and the latest 2.0.2 of the jenkins app on a windows machine and running into issues with some dashboards not showing up as described in the initial question here.
The admin dashboards
and the user dasbhoard
showing up with a blank page-

Any ideas?

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

@nickw_daiwa Come back and Accept this answer if it worked!

0 Karma

New Member

Hi @woodcock,
Thanks for quick update, I had a try on latest but it does not help so far.

I did upgrade from 1.0.9 to 2.0.1 and restarted splunk server. Not working, blank as before.

Then i uninstalled the entire Splunk, reinstall Splunk, and install latest Jenkins app 2.0.1. Also not quite working.

Error log from web_service.log:

2019-07-08 09:48:48,486 INFO [5d22a10075145ae7ba160] error:323 - GET /en-US/static/@5AC167FAD34082830C96A77EC5F656C5014A4FA397BE433537596CA18EF83D15:2/app/splunk_app_jenkins/pages/commons~audit_trail~build_analysis~configuration~custom_panel~jenkins_health~jenkins_node~job_insigh~cbb93852.js 8065
2019-07-08 09:48:48,486 INFO [5d22a10075145ae7ba160] error:324 - 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
2019-07-08 09:48:48,486 ERROR [5d22a10075145ae7ba160] error:325 - Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\", line 603, in respond'before_handler')
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\", line 98, in run
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\", line 58, in call
return self.callback(
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\", line 158, in _wrapper
if self.callable(
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\splunk\appserver\mrsparkle\lib\", line 47, in custom_staticdir
filename = resolver(section, branch, dir)
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\splunk\appserver\mrsparkle\", line 197, in static_resolver
return static_app_resolver(section, branch, static_app_dir)
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\splunk\appserver\mrsparkle\", line 183, in static_app_resolver
i18n_cache = i18n.translate_js(fn)
File "C:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\splunk\appserver\mrsparkle\lib\", line 868, in translate_js
f = file(tmp_file, 'wb')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\run\splunk\appserver\i18n\commons~audit_trail~build_analysis~configuration~custom_panel~jenkins_health~jenkins_node~job_insigh~cbb93852.js-52b3cad4ac8f7c72fdbb33bbc30c1e2ef810cea2-en_US.cache.4f87dc38-8f24-457f-89db-a5f6bf695aee.cache'

Additional info:
- My server does not have Python installed (but i guess the python lib come with Splunk installation should do the job? which is 2.7, under Splunk/Python-2.7)

  • I installed Splunk under local system account (instead of domain account)

  • Both Alert and Search page is accessible. No complains. Rest of pages are not accessible, complains on same error message attached above.

  • If I go into Build Analysis page,

  • I can see build_analysis.js being loaded into Splunk\var\run\splunk\appserver\i18n as build_analysis.js-58fdc61d2d51af65ea632484af73e5f2e423cf12-en_US.cache

  • But error (listed above) on /app/splunk_app_jenkins/pages/commons~audit_trail~build_analysis~configuration~custom_panel~jenkins_health~jenkins_node~job_insigh~cbb93852.js

  • In Splunk\etc\apps\splunk_app_jenkins\appserver\static\pages, commons~audit_trail~build_analysis~configuration~custom_panel~jenkins_health~jenkins_node~job_insigh~cbb93852.js exists

  • When loading other pages, the corresponding .js files (eg. overview.js, test_analysis.js, etc from splunk_app_jenkins\appserver\static\pages can loaded in Splunk\var\run\splunk\appserver\i18n too. Just not the js with "~" in-between.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Did you solve the issue?
Because I have the same problem 🙂

Recently installed:
- Splunk version: 7.3.0
- Jenkins Plugin version: 2.0.1


0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi andrewpagans, are you also using Windows?

0 Karma

Path Finder

Yes also Windows

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

We've reproduced the issue and are doing more testing right now. Sorry for the delay!

0 Karma
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