Hello Splunkers!
I have an event A from source A and event B from source B.
I need an alert when event B occurs without event A... Is this feasible? Could you please help me or post some suggestions?
Thanks in Advance!
(index=A source=A event=A) OR (index=B source=B event=B)
| eval common=coalesce(eventA,eventB)
| stats count(eval(source="A")) as A count(eval(source="B")) as B by common
| where B > 0 AND A = 0
Thanks for the response @to4kawa !
In my case, event A and event B are the raw events, I don't have any fields extracted over there..
well, why don't you provide sample logs?
PFB sample logs ,
EventA : Thu May 13 2020 00:15:05 mailsv1 sshd[4351]: Failed password for invalid user guest from port 3771 ssh2
Event B : Thu May 13 2020 01:16:05 mailsv1 sshd[46748]: Received disconnect from disconnected by user
two events have same ip address
Let's extract and collect them.
Hi.. in some cases the IPs are not same.. we need to filter using the string "Failed password" and "Received disconnect" and frame the query..
Thanks for your response @to4kawa!
| rex "(?<status>Failed password|Received disconnect)"
| reverse
| streamstats dc(status) as status_count
| where status_count =1 AND status="Received disconnect"
when event count > 0 , fire alert.
Thanks for the response @to4kawa
I tried the using the query but its fetching event 2 even if event 1 occurred.
Hi @sarahnazzar , did you manage to get this working? Your comment implies that it does not work and I have not been able to adapt it to my, very similar, context
@Yulworm Please can you open a new providing more detail on your usecase?
If you are correct, then the event_count should be 2.