I have 2 searches that return message ids given certain field values.
The first search
index=messages* MSG_src="AAAAA" MSG_DOMAIN="BBBBBB" MSG_TYPE="CC *" | rename MSGID AS MSGID1
The second search
index=messages* MSG_src="CCCCCC", MSG_DOMAIN="DDDDDDD", MSG_TYPE="Workflow Start" | rex field=_raw "<pmt>(?<pmt>.*)</pmt>" | rex field=_raw <EventId>(?<MSGID1>.*)</EventId> | search pmt=EEEEEEE
The results from the second search could come in up to an hour after the results from the first search. It is not an issue unless it takes over an hour.
How can I account for this time delay so I can accurately alert if the span is longer than an hour?
Thanks for the help!
Maybe something like this?
| multisearch
| search index=messages* MSG_src="AAAAA" MSG_DOMAIN="BBBBBB" MSG_TYPE="CC *"
| rename
| search index=messages* MSG_src="CCCCCC", MSG_DOMAIN="DDDDDDD", MSG_TYPE="Workflow Start"
| rex field=_raw "<pmt>(?<pmt>.*)<\/pmt>"
| rex field=_raw "<EventId>(?<MSGID1>.*)<\/EventId>"
| search pmt="EEEEEEE"
| stats
``` first occurrence timestamp of msg_id in search_1 ```
earliest(eval(case(match(MSG_TYPE, "^C{2}\s+"), _time))) as first_event_epoch,
``` first occurrence timestamp of msg_id in search_2 ```
earliest(eval(case('MSG_TYPE'=="Workflow Start", _time))) as second_event_epoch
``` calculate the time difference between the msg_id showing up in each search ```
| eval
``` if the msg_id didn't show up in the second search but did show up in the first ```
isnull(second_event_epoch) AND isnotnull(first_event_epoch),
``` calculate how long ago from now the msg_id was seen in search_1 ```
``` msg_id exists in both searches, calculate the time difference between them in seconds ```
``` convert time difference to hours```
``` human readable format ```
duration_seconds=tostring(diff_seconds, "duration")
``` filter off everything the has less than a 1 hour difference ```
| where 'diff_hours'>1
Maybe something like this?
| multisearch
| search index=messages* MSG_src="AAAAA" MSG_DOMAIN="BBBBBB" MSG_TYPE="CC *"
| rename
| search index=messages* MSG_src="CCCCCC", MSG_DOMAIN="DDDDDDD", MSG_TYPE="Workflow Start"
| rex field=_raw "<pmt>(?<pmt>.*)<\/pmt>"
| rex field=_raw "<EventId>(?<MSGID1>.*)<\/EventId>"
| search pmt="EEEEEEE"
| stats
``` first occurrence timestamp of msg_id in search_1 ```
earliest(eval(case(match(MSG_TYPE, "^C{2}\s+"), _time))) as first_event_epoch,
``` first occurrence timestamp of msg_id in search_2 ```
earliest(eval(case('MSG_TYPE'=="Workflow Start", _time))) as second_event_epoch
``` calculate the time difference between the msg_id showing up in each search ```
| eval
``` if the msg_id didn't show up in the second search but did show up in the first ```
isnull(second_event_epoch) AND isnotnull(first_event_epoch),
``` calculate how long ago from now the msg_id was seen in search_1 ```
``` msg_id exists in both searches, calculate the time difference between them in seconds ```
``` convert time difference to hours```
``` human readable format ```
duration_seconds=tostring(diff_seconds, "duration")
``` filter off everything the has less than a 1 hour difference ```
| where 'diff_hours'>1
From what I can tell in testing this over the last few hours this solution works really well. Still testing it out and validating accuracy but so far, it's great. I was actually working on adding duration but you definitely beat me to it.
Awesome! Glad it's working out so far.
Feel free to leave reply if you run into any issues and I we can try to resolve.
Will MSGID1 always appear in the first search if it is found in the second search?
If so, then the first search should be at least 1 hour longer than the second search, and if MSGID1 is not found in the first search but is in the second search, then it has taken longer than an hour.
I was thinking something like this would work but its probably not the best way?
index=messages* earliest=-2h MSG_src="AAAAA" MSG_DOMAIN="BBBBBB" MSG_TYPE="CC *"
| rename MSGID AS MSGID1
| append [search index=messages* MSG_src="CCCCCC", MSG_DOMAIN="DDDDDDD", MSG_TYPE="Workflow Start"
| rex field=_raw "<pmt>(?<pmt>.*)</pmt>"
| rex field=_raw <EventId>(?<MSGID1>.*)</EventId>
| search pmt=EEEEEEE]
| stats count by MSGID1
| search count<2
The problem I see in testing is that this triggers on new IDs that have come in but are still within the hour timeframe.
What links the results of the first search to the results of the second search? Without that, there is no solution to the problem.
The records are linked via ID in the first search its MSGID in the second search its extracted from
| rex field=_raw "<EventId>(?<MSGID1>.*)</EventId>"