Hi all,
I have created a below SPL, which will alert when the RECEIVED =0, but I want this as an alert only when the last 2 hours continuously the RECEIVED=0, if there is data in span of 1 hour in time range of last 2 hours, I dont want to get an alert.
index=myIndex source=mySource sourcetype=mySourceType
| timechart span=1h count AS Received
| stats latest(Received) as RECEIVED by _time
| where RECEIVED=0
Please let me know how this can be achieved?
| tstats count where index=myIndex source=mySource sourcetype=mySourceType by _time span=1h
| autoregress count as count_p
| where count==count_p AND count=0
If 2 hours count is 0, there is the event.
Could you please try as below. Choose Trigger alert when number of results equal to zero
index=myIndex source=mySource sourcetype=mySourceType earliest=-2h@h latest=@h
| timechart span=1h count AS Received
| stats sum(Received) as total_received
|where total_received=0
I see, I fix a mistake. please confirm updated answer.