Hi there, im pretty new in Splunk, so sorry if it is easy task. I have following example events in my index - It is a export from the Zabbix monitoring 8/31/23
4:39:31.000 PM
{ [-]
description: mem Heap Memory used
groups: [ [+]
hostname: WMS_Name
itemid: 186985
ns: 941726183
tags.application: Memory
type: 3
value: 1199488000
Show as raw text
description = mem Heap Memory usedhost = WMS_NAME1 hostname = WMS_NAME1 source = http:its_wms_zabbixvalue = 1199488000
4:39:31.000 PM
{ [-]
description: mem Heap Memory max
groups: [ [+]
hostname: WMS_NAME1
itemid: 186984
ns: 883128205
tags.application: Memory
type: 3
value: 8589934592
Show as raw text
description = mem Heap Memory maxhost = WMS_NAME1 hostname = WMS_NAME1 source = http:its_wms_zabbixvalue = 8589934592 Search query: index="some_index" sourcetype="zabbix:history" hostname="WMS_NAME1" description="mem Heap Memory used" OR description="mem Heap Memory max"| spath "groups{}" | search "groups{}"="Instances/Tests*" | eval ValueMB=value/1024/1024| table _time, hostname, ValueMB In this case, there are two events - one for java heap memory usage and one for java heap max memory. Is there any way, how to rename values variable based on the description in a event and join them in one table under the same time? Or maybe join both events in one? The main goal is to display both values in one graph and be able to monitor long term usage. I found a way with using multisearch, but it takes too much time in processing and i believe there will be a more simple way. Thank you in advance for any hint
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