I have this current search: index=web | eval Year=strftime(_time,"%Y") | eval Month=date_month | eval success=if(status=200,1=1,0) | search status=200 OR status=403 | chart count by Month, status | eval orden = if(Month="january",1,if(Month="february",2,if(Month="march",3,if(Month="april",4,if(Month="may",5,if(Month="june",6,if(Month="july",7,if(Month="august",8,if(Month="september",9,if(Month="october",10,if(Month="november",11,12))))))))))) | sort orden | fields - orden This search shows a graph of the amount of status "200" and "403" separated by months, I'm trying to develop a percentage line of the amount of status 200 compared to the total, how do I do this? can you help me please!
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