Here is a query that fetches all of the lookups referenced by dashboards and compares that to the lookups defined on the system. | rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=local
| search *
| rename eai:data as data title as dashboard
```Look for 'lookup' and 'inputlookup' commands in the dashboard ("view")```
| regex data="\|\s*(?:lookup|inputlookup)\s+"
```Get the first 2 arguments to the command```
| rex max_match=0 field=data "\|\s*(?:lookup|inputlookup)\s+(?<kw1>[^\s\]]+)\s+(?<kw2>[^\s\]]+)"
```Zip the arguments together so we can retain the pairing during mxexpand```
| eval kws=mvzip(kw1,kw2)
| mvexpand kws
```Separate the args```
| eval kws=split(kws, ",")
| eval kw1=mvindex(kws,0), kw2=mvindex(kws,1)
```If the first argument is "append=<something>" then the lookup name is in the 2nd arg```
| eval lookup=if(match(kw1,"append=\w+"), kw2, kw1)
| dedup dashboard eai:acl.owner lookup
| search NOT
```Build a list of existing lookups to exclude from the results```
[| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/lookup-table-files
| fields title
| rename title as lookup
| append
[| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/props/lookups
| fields transform
| rename transform as lookup ]
| dedup lookup
| format]
| table dashboard eai:acl.owner lookup
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