Hi, i'm trying to calculate the average events weekly by their severity and comparing the daily amount with the weekly average, i created a multivalue field but the values in the field get reordered and they don't match the rest of the data (the severity multivalue field), I tried using mvsort() but it did not work, what did i do wrong? Thank you for any help. Query, results and expected results below: index=myindex earliest=-7d@d latest=now() | bin _time span=1d | fields _time, severity | stats count by _time, severity | eventstats avg(count) as average by severity | eval change_percent=round(((count-average)*100)/count,0) | eval average=round(average,2) | eval change_percent=change_percent+"%" | table _time severity count average change_percent | stats values(severity) as severity, values(count) as AlertCount, values(average) as average, values(change_percent) as change_percent by _time | sort - _time | eval average=mvsort(average) | eval change_percent=mvsort(change_percent) | eval AlertCount=mvsort(AlertCount) | eval severity=mvsort(severity) results: _time severity AlertCount average change_percent 2022-12-23 High Informational 3 8 3.25 3.67 -22% 59% 2022-12-22 High 1 3.25 -225% 2022-12-21 High Informational 3 3.25 3.67 -22% -8% 2022-12-20 High 4 3.25 19% 2022-12-19 High Informational Medium 1 2 5 2.00 3.25 3.67 -100% -62% 27% expected results: _time severity AlertCount average change_percent _time severity AlertCount average change_percent 2022-12-23 High Informational 3 8 3.25 3.67 -22% 59% 2022-12-22 High 1 3.25 -225% 2022-12-21 High Informational 3 3.25 3.67 -8% -22% 2022-12-20 High 4 3.25 19% 2022-12-19 High Informational Medium 1 2 5 3.25 3.67 2.00 -225% -83,5% 60%
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