Hello Splunkers, I have used a query in the search for mitre fields extraction and after the extraction i have got the results with the query name and the technique_id. But here the problem comes. Each query is having the technique_id and the sub technique_id, so i have matched the sub technique_id with the technique_id and the results is shown with the same rule name two times with the technique_id. So i want to remove the duplicate rule name, if so i used the dedup then the rule having the other technique_id is also getting removed. I have attached the screenshot for reference... The query i used for getting the results is | rest /services/configs/conf-analyticstories | where annotations!="" | spath input=annotations path=mitre_attack{} output=mitre_attack | eval rule_name=ltrim(title,"savedsearch://") | fields rule_name,mitre_attack | join rule_name [| rest /services/configs/conf-analyticstories | where searches!="" | eval rule_name=searches | table title,rule_name | eval rule_name=trim(rule_name,"[") | eval rule_name=trim(rule_name,"]") | eval rule_name=split(rule_name,",") | mvexpand rule_name | eval rule_name=trim(rule_name," ") | eval rule_name=trim(rule_name,"\"") ] | append [| rest services/configs/conf-savedsearches | eval rule_name=title | search action.correlationsearch.annotations="*" | spath input=action.correlationsearch.annotations path=mitre_attack{} output=mitre_attack | fields rule_name, mitre_attack] | eval technique_name = if(match(mitre_attack,"^T\d\d\d"),null(), mitre_attack) | lookup mitre_tt_lookup technique_name OUTPUT technique_id as tmp_id0 | eval tmp_id1 = if(match(mitre_attack,"^T\d\d\d"), mitre_attack, null()) | eval technique_id=coalesce(tmp_id0, tmp_id1) | where NOT isnull(technique_id) | table rule_name, technique_id | inputlookup mitre_user_rule_technique_lookup append=true | inputlookup mitre_app_rule_technique_lookup append=true | makemv tokenizer="([^\n\s]+)" technique_id | mvexpand technique_id | dedup rule_name,technique_id | join rule_name [| rest services/configs/conf-savedsearches | eval rule_name=title | eval stage= if(disabled == 1, "Disabled", "Enabled") | table rule_name, stage ] | eval subtechnique_id=if(match(technique_id,"\."),technique_id,null()) | eval technique_id=if(match(technique_id,"\."),replace(technique_id,"\.\d+",""),technique_id) |search stage=Enabled |table rule_name,technique_id Thanks in advance....
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