Free license or not free license, Splunk UI should not display cryptic error message. I consider this a usability bug because the license type can easily be handled with clearer message. You can disable Splunk Assist. But that will not solve this problem. To disable the application, go to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_assist. Create a directory local/, then create a file app.conf to override allow_disable=true in [install] stanza, like this: cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/splunk_assist
mkdir local
cat <<EOM >local/app.conf
allows_disable = false
EOM After restarting Splunk, you can then disable splunk_assist. But the error will persist even when Splunk Assist is disabled. BTW, if you launch splunk_assist directly, you will be able to see the error message Unable to obtain template "beam:/templates/start.html": ... TopLevelLookupException(_("Splunk has failed to locate the template for uri '%s'." % uri)) TopLevelLookupException: Splunk has failed to locate the template for uri 'beam:/templates/start.html'. The problem is that a 9.1 upgrade enables a feature called enable_home_vnext. It is a fine feature (with tons of marketing plugs) except for this bug: Splunk should detect the free license and handle the error without showing a cryptic error message. (It can show, for example, "this feature is unavailable for the installed license" like it does with a bunch of other features.) Workaround The only workaround I have discovered so far is to disable enable_home_vnext in [feature:page_migration] stanza from web-features.conf. ([feature:page_migration] is introduced in 9.x but is in web.conf. web-features.conf is introduced in 9.1.1; a skeleton local/web-features.conf is created by installer but the stanza is not in it.) cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local
cat <<EOM>>web-features.conf
enable_home_vnext = false
EOM After this, you will see your previous launcher home page instead of the migration page. (You may need to to restart splunkd. I had at least one instance for which I did not perform restart after editing.) I hope Splunk will not take the legacy launch page away before fixing the bug in the new page. What changed? The new index _configtracker added in 9.x makes it much easier to track changes made over time. Because I was upgrading from 9.0.5, I can see the exact changes 9.1 upgrade has made. For example, to see web feature changes, index="_configtracker" (data.path=*/system/default/web-features.conf)
| spath path=data.changes{}
| fields - data.changes{}.*
| mvexpand data.changes{}
| spath input=data.changes{}
| spath input=data.changes{} path=properties{}
| fields - properties{}.*
| mvexpand properties{}
| spath input=properties{}
| stats latest(*_value) as *_value by data.action name stanza data.path _time
| eval data.path = replace('data.path', ".*/[sS]plunk/etc", "")
| fieldformat _time = strftime(_time, "%F")
| table name *_value stanza data.* _time On my laptop instance (defaults), this shows name new_value old_value stanza data.action data.path _time disable_highcharts_accessibility false feature:highcharts_accessibility update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_acuif_pages false feature::windows_rce update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_autoformatted_comments false feature:search_auto_format update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_dashboards_external_content_restriction true feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_dashboards_redirection_restriction true feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_events_viz true feature:dashboard_studio update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_home_vnext true feature:page_migration update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_inputs_on_canvas true feature:dashboard_studio update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_jQuery2 false true feature:quarantine_files update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_search_v2_endpoint false feature:search_v2_endpoint update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_share_job_control true feature:share_job update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_show_hide true feature:dashboard_studio update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_triggered_alerts_vnext true feature:page_migration update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 enable_unsupported_hotlinked_imports false true feature:quarantine_files update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.flowmilldocs feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.rigorhelp feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkapps feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkbase feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkbasesplunk feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkdev feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkdocs feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkdownload feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunklantern feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkproducts feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.splunkui feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 internal.dashboards_trusted_domain.victoropshelp feature:dashboards_csp update /system/default/web-features.conf 2023-09-08 I see that you just upgraded from 8 to 9 so this new index doesn't contain data from your upgrade. But you can manually ingest $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunkd/migration.log.* as a one-time job, then do a similar search source=*/splunk/migration.log.* (data.path=*/system/default/web-features.conf)
| spath path=data.changes{}
| fields - data.changes{}.*
| mvexpand data.changes{}
| spath input=data.changes{}
| spath input=data.changes{} path=properties{}
| fields - properties{}.*
| mvexpand properties{}
| spath input=properties{}
| stats latest(*_value) as *_value by data.action name stanza data.path _time
| eval data.path = replace('data.path', ".*/[sS]plunk/etc", "")
| fieldformat _time = strftime(_time, "%F")
| table name *_value stanza data.* _time If your system has lots of history, the output will be numerous. You should probably limit search to the last archived migration.log. (The current one is created after your upgrade, so historic data is not in.) Hope this helps
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