oooh can doo! Format a column first, and make a range map or value match then take note of that in the code, for instance the "Users in group" column: "Users in Group": { "data": "> table | seriesByName(\"Users in Group\") | formatByType(Users_in_GroupColumnFormatEditorConfig)", "rowColors": "> table | seriesByName('Users in Group') | pick(Users_in_GroupRowColorsEditorConfig)", "rowBackgroundColors": "> table | seriesByName(\"Users in Group\") | rangeValue(Users_in_GroupRowBackgroundColorsEditorConfig)" } Then find tableFormat and change rowBackgroundColors to the same as you used to color the column "headerVisibility": "fixed", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "tableFormat": { "rowBackgroundColors": "> table | seriesByName('Users in Group') | rangeValue(Users_in_GroupRowBackgroundColorsEditorConfig)", "headerBackgroundColor": "> backgroundColor | setColorChannel(tableHeaderBackgroundColorConfig)", "rowColors": "> rowBackgroundColors | maxContrast(tableRowColorMaxContrast)", "headerColor": "> headerBackgroundColor | maxContrast(tableRowColorMaxContrast)" } And the whole row is now that color.
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