from checkbox value, if i choose multiple sites, i would like to show all sites separate line chart for average trackout time. now the problem if i choose multiple sites, it only show one line chart by coming all sites average trackout value. query: MicronSite IN($site$) index=mtparam sourcetype=CommandTimesByArea | rex field=_raw "Fabwide:AvgTotalTrackoutTime\s+(?\d+)" | timechart span=12h avg(AvgTotalTrackoutTime) aligntime=@d+7h avg(command_time) For example: from check box list i choose "F10N" and "F10W". but in chart, only show one line by combing those two site's average trackout time values and show one chart. i would like to show two separate line , one line for F10N's average trackout time and another line for F10W's average trackout time. please help to suggest for this issue
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