I am trying to find the failure rate for individual events. Each event has a result which is classified as a success or failure. For this simple run-anywhere example I would like the output to be: Event failed_percent open .50 close .66666 lift .25
|makeresults|eval Event="open", State="success" |append[|makeresults|eval Event="open", State="locked"] |append[|makeresults|eval Event="close", State="blocked"] |append[|makeresults|eval Event="close", State="blocked"] |append[|makeresults|eval Event="lift", State="too heavy"] |append[|makeresults|eval Event="lift", State="success"] |append[|makeresults|eval Event="lift", State="success"]
| eval Success=mvfilter(match(State,"success")) | eval Failed=mvfilter(match(State,"locked") OR match(State,"blocked") OR match(State,"too heavy"))
| streamstats count(Success) as success_count,count(Failed) as failed_count | eval failed_percent=(failed_count)/(success_count+failed_count) | table Event,success_count,failed_count, failed_percent
This lists each of the 7 events separately and the counts always add to the total, not by event. I have tried many different ways to achieve this with no success. I started with the simple search below and ended up with the search above. I am not sure how to do an eval(count) on the items in Result. This is obviously not correct SPL, but I tried | eval failure=sum (|where Result="failed"). Plus it would do nothing to group by Event type.
| eval Result=case (like(State,"success"),"success", like(State,"locked"),"failed", like(State,"blocked"),"failed", like(State,"too slow"),"failed", like(State,"too heavy"),"failed", 1=1,"success") | stats count by Result
I'm not even sure if this is possible. I could do it with a separate search for each event type, but I want a single table in the end. I also thought of doing a lot of joins with different searches, but that seems crazy.
Thanks you your help!
Using Splunk 8.1.6
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