I have a search query that gives me a count of vulnerabilities broken down by age (in days). I want to be able to have a different color for each column. The columns are, in days, 0-30 (light green), 31-60 (orange), 61-90 (light blue), 91-180 (yellow), and Older than 180 (red). When I use 'charting.seriesColors', all of the columns turn light green. Search query: index=qualys_host_detection TYPE=CONFIRMED ("severity=3" OR "severity=4" OR "severity=5") OS="Windows Server*" OR "Microsoft Windows Server" OR "VMWare" STATUS!=FIXED | dedup QID, HOST_ID | eval firstseen=strptime(FIRST_FOUND_DATETIME, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), epochnow=now(), duration=round((epochnow-firstseen)/86400,0), days=case(duration<=30, "0-30", duration>30 AND duration<=60, "31-60", duration>60 AND duration<=90, "61-90", duration>90 AND duration<=180, "91-180", duration>180, "Older than 180") | stats count by days
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