Possibly use the rest command combined with Rich's internal search: (taken and edited from: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/6.3.0/Admin/Listcorrelationsearches) | rest splunk_server=local count=0 /servicesNS/-/SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite/saved/searches | where match('action.correlationsearch.enabled', "1|[Tt]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]") | where disabled=0 | eval actions=split(actions, ",") | fields title, search, updated The Updated field represents when the correlation search was updated (changed) - I tested this on my own instance. So, you could keep a list of enabled searches with their update times in a lookup table using that rest search. Then in a new correlation search compare the current rest results with the historic lookup table and if the update times are different - there was a change. Then in the drill down of the correlation search you could pass the name of the search as a token and update time (using maybe earliest= and latest= in the search SPL with that token) and search on the internal index via Rich's search or something similar to find the user who made the change.
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