same problem here 08-05-2020 19:16:25.857 -0500 ERROR TcpInputProc - Message rejected. Received unexpected message of size=774796916 bytes from in streaming mode. Maximum message size allowed=67108864. (::) Possible invalid source sending data to splunktcp port or valid source sending unsupported payload.
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We were able to get this working by updating our stanza to the following line, in case anyone else ever runs into this similar issue with their IHS log: [ihs_stats_log] SHOULD_LINEMERGE=true MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD=27 TIME_PREFIX=\[ TIME_FORMAT=%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S:%3N TZ = GMT BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE_DATE = true LINE_BREAKER = (,-)([\r\n]+)
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