This question has both English and 日本語 on it. Please be read and give some answer.
I'm trying to use Splunk DB connection with MySQL for analyze the data.
As the environment, I use two AWS instances (develop and production) and contains MySQL database for each in same settings.
For develop environment AWS, could setup the DB input and shows data properly(I mean the columns rename Japanese automatically).
However, the other one setup as same as what I did on develop environment's search returns ???? on Japanese fields.
On the query I use the command like below.
SELECT section_nm as "部門",
territory_nm as "領域名",
FROM ticket.trn_ticket_plan_act
WHERE dataflag='0'
One can use this query as proper but another is not.
What is the problem on this situation?
Addition to it, I don't setup DB output and DB lookup. Could be any reason that working well because of those?
今Splunk DB connect を使い、MySQLからデータを取得し分析ツールに適応したいと思ってセットアップをしています。
SELECT section_nm as "部門",
territory_nm as "領域名",
FROM ticket.trn_ticket_plan_act
WHERE dataflag='0'
これに付随して、DB outputとDB lookupには設定を行っていないのですが、それが影響している可能性があるでしょうか?
片方の環境では上手くいってしまったため、気にしていなかったのですが、DB outputとDB lookup簡潔にいうと何をするための操作なのでしょうか?
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