Don't know how I could have used up the index space I turned the splunk vm off yesterday after working with it.
Turned it back on this morning and hokus pokus happened.. puff all gone. I don't have much data being sent to it. Just some logs from my home firewall is all so it's very minimal. I have only have a couple of home computers and phones so the data is very minimal.
How do you limit the index size ?
I did find something alarming. Under Settings > Monitoring > Indexing >
Indexes and Volumes > Index and Volumes Instance. Event Indexes Only. I don't see ANY indexes listed. Index(0) is shown. I'm guessing this is bad.
Settings > User Interface (under the KNOWLEDGE topic) > Views. I see many items here including alerts, alert, charting, data_model_editor, etc.. I see two "dashboard" , "dashboards", "dashboard_live". Some are sharing APP, one is sharing GLOBAL. I opened each of them. Some are short XML files and a couple are longer but none contain information I had used and no dashboards are the ones I saved; "Marks Dashboard".
I saved the dashboard many times, saved and re-opened yesterday fine so this is a mystery.
I did find my Search History from yesterday is still there. So that's interesting.
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