I have a CSV with a date field that I want to convert to a timefield so that I can timechart it. When I run
...| rename "field I want" as time | eval time = case(substr(time, 1, 2) LIKE "%/", "0"+time, 1=1, time) | convert timeformat="%m/%e/%Y %I:%M %p" mktime(time) |
time ends up being always null. When I do
...| rename "field I want" as time | eval time = case(substr(time, 1, 2) LIKE "%/", "0"+time, 1=1, time) | eval ntime=strptime(time, "%m/%e/%Y %I:%M %p") |
ntime doesn't even get created as a field. I'm 100% sure that the formatting is correct (though theres always a chance for errors) and I've tried everything I can think of. Why does neither function evaluate? An example of one of the strings I'm trying to convert is "1/1/2013 12:00 AM".
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