is this app still supposed to work? I got it running on my phone, it changes colors upon shaking, displays g-data and connects to the correct splunk HEC port.
However, it does not seem to send any data over.
I verified with wireshark, there is no token nor data exchanged with the splunk server
I have tried to set
crossOriginSharingPolicy = "*"
x_frame_options_sameorigin = false
in system/local/server.conf
x_frame_options_sameorigin = false
in web.conf, but it does not help
Any ideas what might be wrong?
Regarding the "sameorigin" option:
- I am not sure if it is necessary at all, it is not stated in the README of the app, its just a try
- it does not seem to work anyhow, X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN is still set in server responses
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