Something like this? also it helps if you can share some mockup data or build it with makeresults . The only line below you should care about is xyseries I suspect. you may need a stats for this "max" requirement
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count as count
| eval time=case(count=2,relative_time(now(),"+2d"),count=1,now())
| makecontinuous time span=15m
| eval _time=time
| eval job=if( random()%2==1,"JobA","JobB")
| streamstats count by job reset_on_change=true
| xyseries count, job, _time
Alternatively you may mean (you only care about the |Stats and |xyseries parts )
| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count as count
| eval time=case(count=2,relative_time(now(),"+2d"),count=1,now())
| makecontinuous time span=15m
| eval _time=time
| eval job=if( random()%2==1,"JobA","JobB")
| streamstats count by job reset_on_change=true
| stats max(_time) by count, job
| xyseries job, count, max(_time)
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