Working on a POC.
Installed splunk 6.2.1 logged in and changed the admin passwd. I then was able to install a few apps, Splunk App for Unix and Linux, and the example dashboard. Restarted and everything looked good. Then I went to install Splunk App for VMware, by unzipping in the $SPLUNKHOME directory as the splunk user. Restart the application and now I am getting connection resets.
In the splunkd.log
02-05-2015 16:55:30.036 -0500 WARN HttpListener - Socket error from X.X.X.X while idling: error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
If I remove the Splunk App for VMware, splunk works fine. I have gone through the default install twice and had the same result each time.
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