I have a dashboard that I have created using simple XML, there are several graphs that have search in like this:
<query>search ...</query>
I would like to be able to cache these searches in the same way that I can if I convert the simple XML dashboard to HTML/JavaScript by setting the cache option (see '"cache": 900' in the example below). Does anyone know if this is possible without having to convert to HTML?
var search1 = new SearchManager({
"id": "search1",
"latest_time": "now",
"earliest_time": "-15m",
"search": "search...",
"status_buckets": 0,
"cancelOnUnload": true,
"app": utils.getCurrentApp(),
"auto_cancel": 90,
"preview": true,
"runWhenTimeIsUndefined": false,
"cache": 900
}, {tokens: true, tokenNamespace: "submitted"});
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