Need help to extract fields between comma (,). The raw data below have two results, FAILURE and SUCCESS. I want to create some select fields and stats them in to a table. So far I was able to use following regular expression, and extracted USERNAME ( in this example "xxxyyy" is the username extracted from 5th and 6th comma), MACADDRESS (in this example "54-26-96-1B-54-BC" extracted between 8th and 9th comma). Here are the challenges I am facing when I want to to extract SUCCESS/FAILURE and cause fields :
For SUCCESS, I want to extract SUCCESS between 18th and 19th comma, and the services field between 19th and 20th comma.
For FAILURE, I want to extract FAILURE between 17th and 18th comma, and cause field between 19th and 20th comma.
2017-02-01T15:17:01.867Z,au:16,MSIAuth,,!,xxxyyy,0/0/0/840,,54-26-96-1B-54-BC,,,,,CableWiFi,62ms,0A440002060000000BD71DC4,86400,,FAILURE,TWCULTIMATEINTERNET300,DeviceLimit,FAILURE -- FAILURE -- Failure response from
So, far following regex provided me a table with TIME STAMP, MACADDRESS and USERNAME (like I mentioned above) :
sourcetype="aaa-AuthAttempts" MSIAuth NOT TWCWiFi-Passpoint failure | rex "MSIAuth\,\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\,(?[^\,]+)\,(?[^\,]+)\,0\/0\/0\/\d+\,\w{6}\d+\-\w{2}\d+\w+\d+\.\w+\.\w+\.\w+\,(?[^\,]+)" | stats count by _time , MACADDRESS, USERNAME
Can anyone please help to add columns in the table with SUCCESS, FAILURE and other fields based on the pattern of the raw data outlined above ? Such as :
For SUCCESS, I want to extract SUCCESS between 18th and 19th comma, and the services field between 19th and 20th comma.
For FAILURE, I want to extract FAILURE between 17th and 18th comma, and cause field between 19th and 20th comma.
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