Universal forwarder is installed in linux server spwdfvml0247.
In this we have below folders exe,gen,global,profile,profile_back,src under the path spwdfvml0247:/usr/sap/IX4/SYS.
Index server is installed on windows server spwdfvm1490. All data under the path /usr/sap/IX4/SYS is being passed/indexed to the indexer except 'profile' folder. Even if we monitor specific file in 'profile' folder its not getting passed/indexed in the index server. In input activity also this is not showing. Below is the monitor we are using in inputs.conf from forwarder
spwdfvml0247:/opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/search/local # cat inputs.conf
disabled = false
index = erp
Please help and let me know why this monitor is not working and not getting indexed.
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