I want to get all events related to dnis=27159866
I can perform this by getting all the events with a sessionid or parentsessionid linked to the dnis=27159866
I have the following searches :
to get all events with a sessionid linked to the dnis=27159866
The subsearch will get all sessionid linked to dnis=27159866 and then the search looks for all events with those sessionid's.
sourcetype=vxml [search dnis=27159866 | fields sessionid]
to get all events with a parentsessionid linked to the dnis=27159866
The subsearch will get all sessionid linked to dnis=27159866, put it in the parentsessionid field and then the search looks for all events with those parentsessionid's.
sourcetype=vxml [search dnis=27159866 | eval parentsessionid=sessionid | fields parentsessionid]
How can I combine those 2 searches in one search ?
So events where sessionid OR parentsessionid is equal to a value returned from the subsearch.
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