Done, Can you please below search in Splunk and confirm if this is something you want - | makeresults
| eval data="aaa,1 ccc,3 bbb,2 ddd,4 eee,5 fff,6 ggg,1 iii,3 hhh,2 jjj,4 kkk,5 lll,6 mmm,1 ooo,3 nnn,2 ppp,4 qqq,5 rrr,6"
| makemv data delim=" "
| mvexpand data
| rex field=data "(?<Name>\w+),(?<S_no>\d+)"
| streamstats count as row_num
| eval GroupNum = floor((row_num - 1) / 6)
| sort GroupNum S_no
| fields - _time data row_num GroupNum Output - Please accept the solution and hit Karma, if this helps!
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