I'm not sure if there is an answer to this question but as of right now, I'm using fieldsummary to get a better understanding of my data and specific fields in my data. Buuut, that's about where my fieldsummary...
Hi, from query below I want to filter the results by fieldname matching pattern and fieldsummary should only return the text matching the search string from post result set, my text input is $f...
Hi All,
I have a large data set with lots of fields and I want that in a table. However this is not working correctly.
When I test with | fieldsummary I also get strange results.
First I s...
My search looks like:
mysearch....[ index=adc| fieldsummary | fields field]
Is there a command to display the fieldnames (field) of an index without using the fieldsummary c...
Hi All,
I need to look for specific fields in all my indexes. Using fieldsummary, I am able to get a listing of my specific fields, count, distinct_count and values, but I also like to add 2 new c...
If I do index=* | fieldsummary I get the fieldsummary of all indices.
How can I add the index to the fieldsummary as an extra column, so that I will have:
index, field, count, d...
Hello, I have query below and want to search by filterstring from fieldsummary values and return all values which matches filterstring from the results of query below -
index =test environment=p...
Why does Walklex return spaces before some of the field names, but fieldsummary does not? When I see this without field extractions causing spaces in the field names, it usually looks l...
We're using the fieldsummary function in splunk to return the list of fields (as it was designed) for each of our indexes. This works great for almost all our indexes except for our windows snare i...