Hi Everyone! Does the "snowincident" command always create an incident upon being called? I want to use this in an alert, so that we use the "custom_fields" setting, however, we only want the i...
I am really confused on how to use the snow commands such as the ones listed here: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/ServiceNow/Commandsandscripts. I do not understand h...
I have created an alert for CPU usage but the ticket is once creating and other alerts are keep on updating in the same ticket.Could anyone please help me on this?
Alert Search as follows:
Hi All I did a look around for a syntax definition for SPL in Notepad++ and didn't find one. Attached is my attempt. Feel free to use. if you have any suggestions, changes etc then post a reply. Th...
...onfiguring the below on alerts with no luck
I have also tried passing | snowincident within the alert's SPL to create a new incident in SNOW.
Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated!