Hello, Is it possible to use eventstats with conditions? For example: I only want to apply eventstats only if field name contains "student-1" | eventstats values(if(match(name,"student-1"), n...
Hello, I need help improve efficiency of my search using eventstats. The search worked just fine, but when I applied to large set of data, it took too long. Please suggest. Thank y...
...his but im getting 0 results
| stats count by SERVERS
| stats count(SERVERS) by Domain as "Domain_Count"
| eventstats sum(count) as Total_Servers
What can I do ? Thanks
I can't comprehend what 'eventstats' is. I went thru the splunk docs. I wanna use math functions like avg.. etc.. not sure whether to use stats avg or eventstats avg !! An example would be a...
...lank. (I probably need to also sort by host, but that's irrelevant to the eventstats issue.) index=iis status=404 uri="*/*.*"
|stats count by host uri
|eventstats max(count) by host as h...
...s:azure:accounts" source="rest*User*")
| where match(userPrincipalName,"domain name") or match(userPrincipalName,"domain name")
| eventstats count by id
| eventstats count(eval((source="rest://MSGraph G...
I have used below query to get distinct values:
stats values(gitRepo) AS serviceName BY buildNum
This gives correct values. Problem is I am not getting value for other fields. If I used eventstats...