...ime, we are counting totals.
This produces a lovely line chart or bar chart.
I would now like to be able to instead display the delta between the values, so instead of showing the accumulated t...
We've gotten a search to work that shows the delta between the number of messages in an inbox for a period of time: <basesearch>
| bin _time span=5m
| stats max(Items) AS Max by _...
I have a search that uses the transaction command: | transaction startswith=<...> endswith=<...> To group it into certain events I want to see. How would I search this e...
how to calculate the device’s uptime value e.g time delta means time between (uptime < 1800) up to next (uptime < 1800). (note: if the next uptime is not found then just calculate time u...
...table - of the sum of values (off the 5 events) every 5 mins in a dashboard
2. Show the outliers off the timeframe's average in a table
3. Sort and show the top 10 key value pairs with highest delta...
...013 08:00 user=Susi pieces=0 price=320 region=noe
01/23/2013 09:00 user=Susi pieces=5 price=3 region=ooe
01/23/2013 10:00 user=Susi pieces=50 price=33 region=w
Now I want to see the delta for e...