...rue_negatives) as TN | eval accuracy=(TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN) | eval precision=TP/(TP+FP) | eval recall=TP/(TP+FN) However, the this statement is not working as the var command does not work without s...
I'm trying to usethe map commandand it seems to fail when I try using some functions within the subsearch (specifically: cidrmatch()). This search returns a correctly-populated t...
Rather than building a full custom command to do the following:
| duration outputfield=cleanTime seconds
I know thefunction's code are locked and are part of the source code but can I add to it?
Hello the splunk community,
I'm kinda new to splunk, and I'm trying to perform some charting using theevalfunction like as follow:
index=index1 action=action1
| chart c as count by a...
...larity and supportability (the "OR" clause will continue to grow for this event type), I need to avoid the iteration andusethe eventtype.
For reference:
We are using Splunk version 5.0.4 in our application. In order to bucket our data and display the buckets in proper order, we usethe chart commandandthen take substr of the field. The f...
| eval ruser=replace(user,"\\","\\")
In this case I have this error
Error in 'eval' command: Regex: \ at end of pattern
The same for:
| eval ruser=replace(user,"\","\\")
...otal field within the denominator of my evalcommand. Any suggestions on how to append this? index=ABC sourcetype="ABC" "EVNT=SWIendcall" |stats count by OUTCOME | addtotals row=f col=t...
...(my use case does not allow me to use search command), and all do not work.
| from datamodel:DataModel1.RootTransaction1 |where RootTransaction1.Extracted1 = "abc"
| from d...