SplunkAdd-onforBox Hi folks, I tried to integrate my Box account with Splunk using Splunkadd-onforBox. But I am receiving a 403 error. I have done the same configuration 2-weeks ago a...
...eing in the wrong version, so I guess I would have to upgrade all of these add-ons manually as well, but I'm not sure if this method of upgrading Splunk ES is okay.
...re like me, one of the last things I do is: ./splunk enable boot-start -systemd-managed 1 -user splunk reboot thebox and pat yourself onthe back, maybe grab a beer.
At some point later, you add...
...rom thebox that my light forwarder is on. (host=myforwarderboxname)
It looks like this stanza in the transforms.conf will be the issue
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
I'm planning on migrating to another X86 box which is running RHEL 7. I am currently running Splunk 6.1.4 Enterprise (which is very stable) and don't really want to addupgrading Splunk to the mix r...
...erver as /opt/splunk
3. install splunk6.3 on new server
4. startup new server
Once that's satisfied, upgradethesplunk indexers to 6.3?
Also, I need to move the deployment server off the o...
I have two instances running on a non-production linux box, one is v6.6.3 (TST) and the other one is v7.0.1 (DEV) as I can test new features first in DEV and only later plan an upgrade of TST. H...
Hello, This is my first time asking a question on here, so apologies if there's some format to follow. My work center doesn't have a Splunk Admin/Engineer, so they asked if I could try upgrading Splunk...
...tated above is it enough to be a License master?
Question 3) Since our Syslog and indexer reside onthe same box does that mean our HFs don't play any role in forwarding data?
Question 4) Can w...