During an inline search, those three extracted fields populate the table with integer values, as expected. I then update the fieldextractions for the sourcetype of postfix_syslog to include t...
I've read the documentation for inlinefieldextractions and I don't see what I'm doing wrong here. I've added a props.conf file to my test app with the following: [emm_syslog]
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n...
Hello, How would I implement inline or Uses Transform Fieldextraction (please see screenshot below) for following event (please see sample event below). Any help will be highly appreciated, thank y...
Hello, I have issues getting expected field value pairs using following props and transforms configuration files. Sample events and my configuration files are given below. Any recommendation will b...
I am walking through the Cisco app and I noticed that there are a lot different ways fields are being extracted. It looks like there are many inlineextractions and others referencing a transform, a...
...ill pull both the interface and up-down fields from this log?
Oct 9 12:01:18 hos-a-3550-1.rockefeller.internal 2635634: Oct 9 12:01:17: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface F...
I'm trying to setup Splunk to understand CloudFront log files.
I've setup a fieldextraction like this:
...ttempt to use the INDEXED_EXTRACTION=CSV option and instead use default settings with manual configurations, Splunk still identifies fields improperly. As as example from the above data, there should be a...
I have a regex I am using to extract exception from a java stacktrace to get for error analysis. It would be much better to do this as a configured fieldextract so I can use it in lookups instead o...
The following gives me exactly what I want
host=****** Failed_Reason minutesago=15 | rex "\>(?<Failed_Reason>.*?)\<"
but when I use the regex to build a fieldextraction I c...