Hi all, I installed Heat Map Viz and I use it. https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4460/ I want to change x axis label color because I want to use it in dark mode. when it turned dark mode, x a...
I'm making a customvisualization, much like the D3 Parallel Coordinates example in the SimpleXML Examples app. I'd like to have a panel-footer at the bottom of my visualization with links to the s...
...ource of the customvisualization (some event handling code, I believe) in order to change the dashboard token? and whether I need to change the javascript of the simpleXML too?
I've written a custom view in Splunk6 that shows me search results as plain HTML content.
The simplexml view works and shows my html content when the page loads. But if I try to use form in...
Basically I have a number of dashboards developed insimplexml. I want to add custom d3.js visualizations to these dashboards for some of the panels.
I do not want to convert the page to an HTML p...
Horizon Chart CustomVisualization does not support drilldown. How to enable drilldown to get the split by field name and clicked value as tokens. PS: Documenting answer for SimpleXML JS e...
I am able to graph the duration calculation while it is in seconds, but I want to display the human-readable string value on a bar chart for easy visual consumption. How can I display the human-r...
I have a handful of searches that I want to build into reports and dashboards so I can collaborate with my team. Can you give me a sketch of how Splunk reports and dashboards work?
Inspired from this post: https://community.splunk.com/t5/Dashboards-Visualizations/How-can-i-re-use-Java-scripts-form-one-table-to-another-tables/m-p/414861 I modifed my Javascript t...
Hi guys, looking at the Splunk Dashboards app here. Just wondering if this is simply an app that makes it easier to generate custom HTMLor SimpleXML dashboards or it is utilizing a new f...