...get, the Add to Triggered Alerts trigger is triggered. But the .py file itself does not run. Checked through ".../splunk.exe cmd python .../test1.py " it starts and works. alert_actions.conf [t...
We created a customalertaction as per documentation and try to trigger it.
We get the following errors:
4:01:42.547 PM
02-19-2020 16:01:42.547 +0100 ERROR S...
I have created a customalertaction loosely based on the Webhooks example. I have created all the configuration files based on my best understanding of the process outlined in the docs. The action...
how do I pass my search output results to a customalertaction script(test.py) which has some static parameters ? for ex. I have a statistics table which has two columns Hosts and Count.. I want t...
I'm working with customalertactions. I've taken most of my example from this example. It basically takes the xml written to stdin and writes it to a log. This works fine. I've added a UI e...
I am looking to chain a couple of customalertactions. A use case is monitoring a node that is down.
When down, alertaction #1 is triggered and pings the node as verification.
If t...
What is exactly the difference between a script alertaction and a customalertaction?
On http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.5.0/Alert/ConfiguringScriptedAlerts I can read that s...
Currently I am creating a CustomAlertaction script as per documentation http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.5.2/AdvancedDev/CustomAlertScript but I would like to create Shell s...