I'm trying to configure performance monitoring inputs on a Windows universal forwarder, to send to a Linux indexer, by modifying inputs.conf as per:
I maintain an app with a data input wizard, under the hood of which is a custom controller that can list and create normal "monitor" data inputs very reliably. I now need to expand this to list...
Hi all. I'm trying to understand how to map my diagnostic setting AAD data coming in from an mscs:azure:eventhub sourcetype to CIM. I notice in the official docs for the TA, it mentio...
....1/Security/Addandeditroles#Specify_search_restrictions_for_a_role. Would this work with dashboards?
Is it feasible to create a conf file with a list of users and corresponding $tok_pay$ values, a...
I am confused about something. I have seen people using this to get a list of users on a system:
rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local
But If i do a search like this:
For security reasons, we need an user to change Splunk user's password so it won't be visible to other people. And we need to do it from a command line only. What's the command to change splunk pas...