When trying acustomalgorithm on theMachineLearningToolkit I'm getting the error
Error in 'fit' command: Error while initializing algorithm "test": Failed to load algorithm "algos.test" .
...long with one false positive, even at medium sensitivity). The code generated by the MLTK is as follows - index=_audit host=XXXXXXXX action=search info=completed
| table _time host to...
I am new toSplunkand want to write my own MLTK classes/functions. I want to test my code locally in Anaconda or PyCharm. Therefor I would like to set up a virtual python environment that is i...
What exactly is false positives, false negatives, true positives, true negatives means? How to identify them in Splunkand can we trigger them and how it is useful to us in monitoring Splunk? P...