...egions, and thus I track all of their manpower without knowing which ones will be important each day. I can't leave my myrmidons without reinforcements!
I'd like to generate statistical information about...
...want to do anything more advanced with the SPL language and statistics.
This SplunkConf talk for example talks about actionable alerting https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/writing-a...
My goal is to find out statistics for particular error in all servers.
what host have error 'E' the most?
display in table/chart
group by time, host, sourcetype
...When looking at the Statistics tab everything looks good on the first page of results, but starting on the second page the first, last and latest start choosing random items in the bucket but not e...
I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the more advanced/esoteric search commands. It seems like there's a lot of power there if you know how to harness it (i.e. you're familiar with statistics...
I have a handful of searches that I want to build into reports and dashboards so I can collaborate with my team. Can you give me a sketch of how Splunk reports and dashboards work?
Hello, I am running Splunk 7.1.4 om AMI Linux, splunk web from Windows 10 desktop. I am trying to create a report that provides average time_taken, error count, #unique IPs, and total hits for 24 UR...
...S "μ T. K/V", avg(a_self_kv) AS "μ S. K/V"
So, I'm explicitly fetching individual fields, and I don't care about any other fields (nor do I care about extra metadata since that isn't going a...
...put the code below with earliest=-90d it brings me the 3 changes. more if I put | search count > 1 it doesn't gather the information and doesn't bring me the statistics.
some help me?